Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Third Draft of my Movie Poster

After all of my changes. This is what I have done to improve my movie poster further...
After further target audience feedback I realised I had a typo in the tagline - "A Wicked Psycho Thriller." I quickly adjusted it and then decided to change majority of my text to white instead of grey. I think this makes my text stand out more and will therefore, be more luring for my target audience. 
For my caption - "A film directed by Shelly Mcveigh" I decided to put an overlay of colour using the FX option. I increased the black and moved it slightly so the transition from white to black would be as seamless as I could possibly make it. I think by simply adding this colour overlay it has helped the overall look of the poster increase. 
For my poster to look as professional as possible, I have added in the registered trademark symbol at the end of my billing credits on each of my posters. 

For my portrait poster I have added in the Parental trademark in the lower right section of my poster. Again, this is to increase authenticity.

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